The Novominsker Rebbe zt”l.
“Just as he eats, sleeps, walks, and breathes, every yochid must maintain a daily connection to Torah. This is Ki Heim Chayeinu in its simplest meaning and most profound message.”
We support Daf Yomi - the greatest universal systematic study of a daily daf of Gemara, and host the global siyumim upon completion of each Masechta, Seder and The Siyum HaShas. Through our programming, tens of thousands of daily participants around the world are literally on the same page.

Our Masmidei Division hosts engaging programs, events and exciting and innovative educational curriculum, through our hundreds of partner schools in the US, Israel, England, South America, Europe and beyond

The Chayeinu Projects brings learning and Torah education to life by infusing daily life with ruchnius, kedusha and bracha through our inspirational Shabbos campaigns, programs, events, and more.
When it comes to Shabbos - there’s so much to love! We all know that Shabbos is the source of all Brachah and Kedusha, but how do we tap into it? Elevate your Shabbos by understanding what Shabbos is really about and you will love Shabbos.

Agudath Israel of America
42 Broadway, 14th Floor
New York, NY 10004